Select Your Headshot Style
Our Select Your Headshot Style portfolio is offered to help you select the headshot style is best for you. While you can see many of the same headshot samples in our complete portfolio, our Select Your Headshot Style samples are categorized into genres of headshots. By grouping each style together, it is our hope that you will more easily identify the headshot style you have in mind.
Please be mindful that the genre groupings in our Select Your Headshot Style portfolio are merely headshots we’ve previously created. A week does not go by that we are not creating something new. So, if are unable to find the style you need, simply let us know and we’ll endeavor together to craft a headshot style just for you.
Please note that also included in our portfolio are examples of not only background possibilities but a range of photographic styles, such as architectural, fine art, and commercial.
The importance of a BACKGROUND cannot be overstated. While we advise simplicity when in doubt about the design of your background, taking the time to explore the possibilities of matching your needs with our ability to create a custom background can prove to be indispensable. Our most requested headshot styles are the following:
• The design of Traditional Background typically incorporates a whispy, cloudy feel with varying shades of the same color.
- Tonal Black (varying tones of black, white, and gray)
- Blue
- Brown
• The most Common Contemporary Backgrounds are either a single, seamless color or a single color with gradient shades.
- Grays – the most universal of colors and the prudent choice when an exact color background is neither preferred nor known.
- White
- Black
- Blue
• Custom Colors are literally limitless. They can be either a single color or a mixture of colors with or without gradients.
• Since the colors we have at our disposal are endless, should you have a specific color background in mind, we can create it.
NOTE: Requires an intricate, time-consuming process entailing the removal of your headshot from the current background and inserting it into a new one. Please see the New Background Procedure below.
• On those occasions where a client wants to add a little something extra to their background, an available option is adding a texture.
• Textures, like colors, are limitless. However, regardless of the texture you might need, we suggest keeping it subtle. After all, it is your face we want to draw the viewer’s attention to first, not the background.
• As with colors, should you have a particular texture in mind, please let us know so we can create it. • If you are uncertain what sort of texture would be best for your headshot background, Mark Jordan is happy to consult and advise.
NOTE: Requires an intricate, time-consuming process entailing the removal of your headshot from the current background and inserting it into a new one. Please see the New Background Procedure below.
• The selection of Custom Photo backgrounds is also limitless. You can opt to either provide us with a High-Resolution Digital File or request that we purchase one for you.
• Nearly any photograph you have in mind can be found in any number of stock photo agencies. We can provide you with a list of our favorite agencies for the asking.
• As with Custom Textures, like colors, we advise ensuring the photo is subordinate to your headshot expression. Again, it is your face we want to prize most, not the background.
NOTE: Requires an intricate, time-consuming process entailing the removal of your headshot from the current background and inserting it into a new one. Please see the New Background Procedure below.
CUSTOM DESIGN – $50 – $150
• Nearly any design you can imagine can be fashioned into a headshot background. In other words, we are limited by only our imagination.
• Custom Designs typically range from something as simple as matching one’s headshot to their website to creating a unique, one-of-a-kind background specifically designed to harmonize with your occupation, personality, or possibly a current project.
• As with Custom Textures, like colors, we advise ensuring the photo is subordinate to your headshot expression. Again, it is your face we want to prize most, not the background.
NOTE: Requires an intricate, time-consuming process entailing the removal of your headshot from the current background and inserting it into a new one. Please see the New Background Procedure below.
Creating a new background for your headshot is a sevenfold process:
- Create a Clipping Path to remove your current headshot from its background.
- Remove your headshot from its background ensuring every detail and hair follicle is attended to.
- Slightly blur all the contour lines (outer edges) to ensure your image does not look like a cut-out.
- Select/create/design the new background.
- Position the backgroundless headshot onto the new background.
- Blend your headshot into the background, softening edges and cleaning up clipping path artifacts.
- Create a new digital file to arrive in your email inbox.

As always, should you have questions regarding any aspect of our Select Your Headshot Style portfolio, no concern is too small.
Lorin Backe
Owner• Photographer